Community Initiatives

Predator Free
Predator Free 2050 brings together central and local government, iwi, philanthropists, non-government organisations (like us), businesses, science and research organisations, communities, landowners and individuals. Achieving this ambitious goal will be a team effort by everyone.
Predator Free Franklin
Predator Free Franklin is the hub for a growing number of community led projects in the Franklin area. Our part of New Zealand is still blessed with remnants of the natural treasures once widespread in this area.
Our native flora and fauna are under continual pressure from introduced species with many on the brink of extinction. Fortunately public awareness and technological break throughs are quickly turning the tide.
Kiwis for kiwi
Kiwis for kiwi is a national charity that supports community-led and Māori-led kiwi conservation projects. Our vision is to take kiwi from endangered to everywhere. Please join us.